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5 Reasons Why You Should Focus Stack Landscape Images and How To Do It

The technique of focus stacking is a fantastic way to achieve greater depth of field from foreground to background and improve the sharpness in your landscape photography images. Find out why it is such a valuable tool and how to successfully use it in your photography for better results.

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5 Reasons Why You Should Focus Stack Landscape Images and How To Do It

The technique of focus stacking is a fantastic way to achieve greater depth of field from foreground to background and improve the sharpness in your landscape photography images. Find out why it is such a valuable tool and how to successfully use it in your photography for better results.

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10 Must-Visit Photography Locations Aoraki Mount Cook

Aoraki Mt Cook is one of NZ's most spectacular locations. Home to our highest mountain, it offers breathtaking scenery to photograph from many unique viewpoints, and being within a Dark Sky Reserve it's amazing for astrophotography too. Check out these top 10 photography locations you'll want to explore!

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5 tips for photographing Aurora Australis (Southern Lights) in New Zealand

Capturing a stunning display of the Aurora Australis in New Zealand isn't as hard as you might think. With a little preparation and understanding of how aurora activity works, you can be lucky enough to witness and capture a stunning show. Read on for 5 easy tips to increase your chance of success!

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9 Epic Locations to Photograph in Iceland

Iceland is a landscape photographer's dream. From endlessly impressive waterfalls, to glacial lagoons that lead iceberg beaches, and unique coastal cliff formations and peaks, this country is jaw-droppingly beautiful around every corner. Here are 9 incredible locations to put on your Iceland must-visit list.

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Are you using the Histogram? Top Landscape Photography Tip

Are you using the histogram when you're out shooting landscapes? If not, you should be! It’s the key to well-exposed RAW images that will allow you to maximise the potential data to create stunning edited images, read on for more!

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10 Must-Visit Photography Locations in Taranaki

Taranaki is one of NZ's most loved, yet underrated regions, with a huge variety of landscape photography possibilities. From iconic mountain views, to tumbling rivers and waterfalls, and uniquely impressive coastal seascapes, Taranaki has it all. It's no wonder the region's catchline is Taranaki - like no other!

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